So I'll just start from here.
Year one is out of the way and I've been set loose into the world with a whole new set of skills and nothing immediate to apply them to. Hence an outlining of projects in my Personal Development Plan, which I won't bore you with, but the general gist is I plan on learning a few basic coding and scripting skills, if that happens to an adequate level create something simple and playable (but awesome looking) using Unity.
Then I plan on working on a full mapping project, either in Team Fortress 2 or an entire Left 4 Dead campaign. As yet undecided, it really depends on if anyone else is interested.
Another mapping project I would like to tackle would either be a fully scripted but short (probably 2-3 map long) campaign using either Source or the UDK. UDK is starting to feel like a more viable option, it's just so much easier to work with.
For major projects to tackle over the summer, those are pretty much it and I'll post up an update within the next week or so about which and when I plan on starting them
Besides those, I'll slowly build a website, something that's been in the works for years now, but have either lacked the technical know-how or been able to decide on the content. Now, however I have a focus and will have something up and running at some point in the next couple months.
In the meantime, while I gather my thoughts on those projects I'll be hanging around mod and mapping forums looking for odd jobs to keep me busy.
In my defence, this wasn't proofread.
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