Monday, September 21, 2009

...and now for the first part of the next step.

Today it all changes; this is my first day of university.
Aside from the usual feelings of anxiety, excitement and utter bewilderness I'm feeling relatively calm about the whole affair. Relative to previous experiences of starting something new that often resulted in panicking and bolting for the closest door.
It'll take some used to the change I'll admit; I'm confused that I'm not going to be heading off to work five days a week. I woke up ready to iron a Daz-white shirt and almost packed my apron and tie.
You know you've been a barman far too long when those things become so ingrained into your daily routine. That and the thought of not having to be on my feet all day with perpetually damp hands and coffee stained arms is far more blissful than it has any right to be.

So here I go once more into the colourful breach of education. Armed with hindsight on how not to fail and run and the foresight of knowing where I want to end up.
It's going to work this time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Imaginative Interference

Damn! It always takes me far too long to work out exactly where I'm going wrong with an ailing project.
Why have I had so much trouble trying to squeeze inspiration from this place? The reason being my memories are interfering with my creativity; Almost everywhere I look I see what something or somewhere has been, rather than what it could be. Being in new territory, my imagination runs riot, visualising the area in five different styles before overlaying events and action that could potentially fit around the surroundings.
Working from Letchworth, however, when walking down a street I see a street walked a thousand times, in a shop-front a place entered more times than I can count, my parents house the place nineteen years of my life were spent.
As it stands all I can come up with is to produce a piece mostly auto-biographical, although given my time and resources that's a reasonably illogical course of action. Not to mention the trouble I would have to make an interesting gameplay concept out of it.
Currently, the most inspiring area for me is the road where I now live, and that's only because it was never really travelled on during my years growing up here. Either that or it could be down to me bizzarly finding industrial buildings visually interesting.
If I can work out where this project is to end up utilising the few meagre ideas my head, I'll be able to make a decent start on this.
At the very least it will all be good practice...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Friendliest Fire

What an asset to the team I must be, after a Modern Warfare session of just under an hour I racked up five team kills. Two shootings, one poorly aimed grenade, a quick but brutal knifing in the knees and a friendly flashbang thrown by me that pretty much resulted in a TK.
I might be getting a name for myself...

Monday, June 29, 2009

They're all watching me!

Why on Earth is this the best I can do taking a photograph in public? I am supposed to be a photographer!
Well, for starters I fear that I look like a complete charlatan, a total wannabe and bit of a n00b walking around using my mobile phone... I seriously need to get a camera, so I can at the very least look like an amateur. That's no excuse though, I shouldn't care about being judged my total strangers.
Ho hum, looks like I'll have to dust off my rebellious spirit. If only I could remember where I left it...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Studiosity and Apathy

Finally after over year of living in this flat have I managed to summon the courage to tackle the dread Spare Room and set up a miniscule studio for myself.
It's astounding how much merely having dedicated space (providing you ignore the unlabelled boxes of anti-treasures stacked high up against the walls) to work with gives you initiative and motivation. Hell I even feel so pumped to start working that I'm even writing about it!
All that remains for the initial phase of this project is for me to figure out an interesting approach for the subject of Letchworth. Great, it's my home town but after the years of misery it's caused me, then growing to be almost fond of the particular brand of quirks the place offers; then swiftly changing opinion when you realise the "quirks" are largely bought about by the freaks, wierdos and twats that roam the streets day and night. The town itself exudes an infectious ennui that engulfs your mind and destroys your soul.
After eighteen months of living outside Letchworth for the first time in my life, a feeling of nostalgia set in, and against my better judgement and reasoning I moved back! Needless to say I've learnt my lesson and the next time I get out of here it's for good. At best? A year.
So those are my thoughts on Letchworth, you're either not hate it or you lo... Oh, I mean you either hate it or you're wholly apathetic towards it. I waver between both myself.
...and on the gaming front: I'm taking a break from TF2 to jump back on the Fallout 3 crackwagon. Very excited about taking the steamer to Point Lookout, I sure hope it's nice there!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's around here somewhere...

Gosh darn it! My 360 was returned to me today after a months exchange for a PS3. This troubles me as I really need to start doing some work for university and I have absolutely no self control when it comes to gaming; I hear the Call of Duty, feel the Gears of Wars starting to turn, Paradise City is getting quiet without me. All of this on top of my borderline obsessive daily Team Fortress 2 dosage (damn that game exudes charm!).
Oh, how do I resist you, sweet, sweet games?
It's happening again... Sandvich is calling... I'm coming Sandvich!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's the err... What is it today?

It's Monday the... Something of June. Don't know the date, don't care.
This blog seems like a load of old bollocks and I'm not quite sure why I'm writing it...
It has no theme or purpose, only to give me an outlet for the thoughts that pass through my head when I'm on my own. Even then they're heavily censored; I wouldn't want to unleash that on a world that will never read it. Goodness no!
Maybe, given the title of the blog I should use it to document the adventures, mishaps and opinions of my career as a little-more-than-casual-but-not-quite-hardcore gamer. Yeah! Why not?! I've certainly got more than enough to saw on the matter!
So; that's decided. As soon is I think of something interesting I'll write about it. Maybe I'll even let people know I'm writing. Maybe...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tertiary Project.

Now begins Tertiary Project. Why call it that? I don't really know, it sounds a little bit cool and somewhat Sci Fi, which is a good thing, isn't it? Some meaning can still be contrived from that, providing a Primary Project and a Secondary Project can be found. Maybe Primary Project can be my life plan in general, getting an education, qualifications and a career. Secondary Project might be best suited as my methods of supplying the funds for the other two Projects (capitalising them makes then seem far more grandiose).
So, after shoving those misshapen pegs into ill-fitting holes, let me continue with my primary objective, otherwise known as Tertiary Project. This will consist of a series of assignments, set by myself, to either develop my skills and knowledge in certain areas, or simply out of my own curiousity.
So there we go, a vague and rambling Mission Statement. First up; a series of five maps created with Hammer recreating photographs of five different environments.
However, before that, I require a new mouse because this one is completely borked.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Another day, another Gav stuck on another train. Again letting the more important mainline trains go past. Piffle to that I say, let me go through so that I can get to work a little faster, just what I want..
Well, it would seem that there's a power failure, and the onboard computer's being rebooted. Well, I don't know if you've ever been on a completely silent train, but it is mightily disconcerting to say the least. Those of us self-conscious types should never have to endure such a traumatic event!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This.. a test. So just ignore it, ok?